(Source: National Seniors Australia &  Scam Watch)

Scams are getting more and more sophisticated, with many scammers masquerading as trusted authorities such as law enforcement or delivery services.

Sixty-six per cent of Australians fend off a scam every week and thirty-seven per cent have lost money to a scam, or know a close friend or family member who has.

As many of us go online to access services as a result of COVID, scammers are changing their strategies to trick us into parting with our money.

So what are the newest scams to watch out for?

Missed Delivery, Missed Call/Voicemail or Photo Uploads (Flubot) Scams: 

You may receive a text messages asking you to tap on a link to download an app to track or organise a time for a delivery, hear a voicemail message or access an ‘album’ of photos that have been uploaded. However, all these messages are fake, there is no delivery, voicemail, or photos and the app is actually malicious software called Flubot that will steal your passwords and other private information. If you receive one of these messages, do not click or tap on the link. Delete the message immediately.

Visit the Scam Watch website to see examples of what this looks like and what to do if you’ve already downloaded the app. 

Fake Australian Federal Police scams:

In this scam, the scammer tells the victim they are from the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and have identified suspicious activity linked to their bank accounts. They may request personal details – including Medicare number, address, and bank details – and ask their victim to deposit money into an ‘AFP account’.

Another tactic they may use is to use email and social media to target people with fake arrest warrants. The offenders then call their victims and demand payments, ordering them to deposit money into a nominated bank account, transfer crypto currency, or purchase online vouchers. Some scammers may even ask their victim to meet in public to hand over money, or to withdraw funds from their account and deposit into an ‘AFP account’.

Phone calls from scammers may sometimes appear to come from a legitimate AFP number, as the scammers have managed to mimic it to disguise their identity. Police suspect these calls are actually coming from overseas.

The AFP, Australian Government or state police services will never:

  • Ask for any account or personal details by text or email.

  • Threaten to cancel your account or arrest you if you don’t pay immediately.

  • Ask you to pay a fine with cash, crypto currency such as Bitcoin, gift cards such as iTunes or Google Play and never seek payment for fines or other matters over the phone.

If in doubt, call the AFP National Switchboard on (02) 5126 0000.

Fake Bank/Telstra/NBN Provider scams:

You may receive a phone call where the scammer tells the victim they are from one of the above organisations and have identified suspicious activity linked to their bank accounts or telephone/internet service. Again, they may request personal details including passwords and ask their victim to download an app that will provide them with access to ‘secure your computer or account’. This then gives them access to essentially everything on your computer/phone and possibly all your accounts – personal, business, investment & superannuation. In essence, potentially all your hard earned wealth.

Similar to the prior AFP scam, the real institutions & services will never:

  • Ask for any account passwords

  • Ask you to allow them to remotely access to your computer

  • Threaten to cancel your account if you don’t assist them immediately.

  • Ask you to pay a fine with cash, crypto currency such as Bitcoin, gift cards such as iTunes or Google Play and never seek payment for fines or other matters over the phone.

If in doubt, hang up and independently contact the relevant institution/service on their publicly listed website or visit a local branch.

Anti-scam tips

  • If you are contacted by someone you suspect is a scammer, end the call immediately. Do not call them back on the number they called you on.

  • Never share passwords and personal information.

  • Anyone asking for a password is probably a scammer.

  • Be a sceptic when receiving unexpected email attachments, links and texts. If in doubt, delete.

  • Scammers target everyone, and they sound genuine.

  • Use up-to-date anti-virus software to protect your computer and mobile phone (yes, you can get software that protects all your IOT devices – computer, phone, TV, and home modem).

  • Don’t send money or personal information to people from unusual locations.

  • Do not return a missed call from an unusual or overseas prefix.

  • Report suspected scams to Scam Watch.

If you believe your device is infected or has been compromised, as a general rule it is sensible to detach from the internet and take to your local IT/computer/mobile expert to investigate. If, it is they will help purge and assess any damage. Inform us & your banks/financial institutions to look for unusual activity, and if an issue is discovered, contact the AFP on your next steps.

Brad Stewart